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The NSHBT-HaemSTAR Fellowship for Collaborative Research – Call for applications

HaemSTAR (Haematology Specialty Training Audit and Research) is a UK network led by haematology trainees that focuses on non-malignant haematology. This network has provided opportunity for research development and training for many UK haematologists, and their projects have made significant contributions to haematology research. You can learn more about the HaemSTAR network at

HaemSTAR, in partnership with the Nigerian Society for Haematology and Blood Transfusion (NSHBT) is offering a new NSHBT-HaemSTAR Fellowship for Collaborative Research. These Fellowships have two main aims. The first aim is to provide mentoring and training to the appointed fellows, to enable them to lead and carry out clinical research. The second aim is for the Fellows to establish a new trainee-led clinical research network in Nigeria, which will provide opportunities to other haematologists to be involved in research. For the first round of this programme, we plan to appoint two Fellows for a two-year period.

What does the Fellowship offer?

  • Mentoring from HaemSTAR members in network development, research planning, analysis, scientific writing, and dissemination. This would be facilitated through a combination of virtual and in-person communication.
  • Funding to facilitate at least two visits to the UK for mentoring, training and collaboration.
  • Mentoring and support from senior haematologists in NSHBT to select and develop a suitable research project and to set up the research network.
  • Partnership opportunity to develop a collaborative research project (within their own network and in the UK) 
  • Practical and hands-on experience in research – not just learning about research in theory. Opportunities for real world research, publications, and presentations.
  • Experience of collaborative network-based research
  • The Fellows’ proposed research topics may be submitted for Part 2 Dissertation/MD thesis requirements, but this will be at the discretion of the relevant postgraduate College.


  • The NSHBT-HaemSTAR Fellowship is open to all post-part 1 haematology residents.
  • Time availability for short-term visits to the UK on at least two occasions during the two-year period, and additional time for leading the network and developing a research project in Nigeria. 

Selection criteria

Candidates are chosen based on their level of commitment and potential to set up a trainee- led clinical research network with the overarching aim of improving care for haematology patients in Nigeria. We will consider interpersonal skills and interest in clinical research (previous leadership and clinical research experience is desirable, but not compulsory). We are looking for candidates who are motivated to use the research experience and training they gain through the Fellowship and will share this with others.

Application process

  • Application form can be accessed on the NSHBT website using the following link (
  • Section 1 of the application form should be completed and signed by applicants.
  • Section 2of the application form should be completed and signed by the applicant’s supervising consultant. Part 3 of the application form should be completed and signed by a manager or leader from the applicant’s current hospital. A “Letter for supervising consultants and hospital leaders” can be found on the NSHBT website ( – this gives a brief introduction to the aims of the fellowship and the time commitment sought. It can be sent by applicants to their supervising consultant and hospital manager when seeking their support.
  • A completed and signed application form along with a current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume (maximum two pages) should be submitted by 15thJanuary 2024 to
  • Applicants will be shortlisted for interview based on the merits of their application.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be informed by the 1stweek of February 2024 and invited for interview
  • If you have any further questions about the Fellowship, please contact Professor Omolade Awodu (, Dr Saleh Yuguda ( or Dr Adama Ladu (