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The membership of the Society shall consist of

  • Ordinary members
  • Emeritus members
  • Associate members
  • Honorary members
  • Corresponding members and
  • Corporate members

Rights and Privileges of Members

  • Twenty percent discount on Conference registration fees
  • Twenty percent discount on educational materials available for sales
  • Full participation in the Annual General Meeting;
  • Eligibility to vote and be voted for
  • Free online copies of Society’s journal
  • Discount on hardcopy of Society’s journal
  • Update on conferences workshop and training 

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  1. Ordinary members shall be any person who has manifested a continuous interest in haematology and or blood transfusion for a period of at least four years as evidenced either by working in an appropriate department of a teaching/specialist hospital, original contributions, attendance at haematology meetings, teaching and, or, diffusion by writing on subjects in haematology and technically related fields. Such a person shall have medical, academic or technical qualifications recognised by the Society, and shall be in good professional standing.
  2. Emeritus members shall be those members who have reached the age of seventy years and have made a request to the Secretary with the approval of the Council to be designated as emeritus members. They shall pay no dues, hold no office, and they shall not vote.
  3. Associate members shall be any person who shows interest in the objectives of the Society but does not yet qualify for ordinary membership as defined above.
  4. Honorary members shall consist of those elected as a mark of distinction by way of commitment to the cause of hematology to warrant their recommendation and election by the Council of the Society. The requirement for honorary membership shall include a list of qualifications, professional positions, experience and scientific contributions of the candidate.
  5. Corresponding members shall be any person not resident in Nigeria but who are otherwise qualified for membership of and desire to be associated with the Society. They shall be elected by the Annual General meeting on a proposal from the Council.
  6. Corporate membership is available for organisations with interest in Haematology and Blood Transfusion, such as companies that manufacture or market equipment, consumables, and drugs useful in fields of Haematology and Blood transfusion. Application for corporate membership shall be made on a form authorised by the society and this application shall be sponsored by a member in good financial standing.

Election to the corporate membership shall be made by not less than ¾ of those present at an AGM upon recommendation by the Council of the Society.